Ascent from the lower Bischofalm to the Zollnersee hut

Nehézségi fokozat: könnyű
  • 2.9 km
  • 2 óra
  • 1181 szintkül.
    Legalacsonyabb pont
  • 1763 szintkül.
    Legmagasabb pont
  • 586 szintkül.
  • 26 szintkül.

Ascent from the lower Bischofalm to the Zollnersee hut

Short ascent via the Obere Bischofalm to the Zollnersee Hütte.
The Bischofalm produces excellent cheese that you shouldn't miss out on.
Normal hiking equipment including sturdy hiking boots, first aid kit and weatherproof clothing.


From the Untere Bischofalm (1181m), follow the hiking trail through the forest up to the Obere Bischofalm (1573). At the Alm, follow the road to the left until the first bend and leave the road there. The hiking trail continues straight ahead uphill through a wooded area. After a short ascent of approx. 100 metres, you reach a wide meadow with the Zollnersee hut already in sight. You cross the meadow and reach the hut (1750m) and the peace chapel next to it.

Fekvés és megközelítés

A Nassfeld-Pressegger See üdülőrégió az ausztriai Karintiában fekszik, közvetlenül az olasz határ ​mellett.

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NLW Badespass Tag65