Rodelbahn Sonnleitn

Livello di difficoltà: facile
  • 0.5 km
  • 0.3 h
  • 1449 hm
    Punto più basso
  • 1508 hm
    Punto più alto
  • 58 hm
  • 0 hm

Rodelbahn Sonnleitn

Nature lovers who need a few hours for themselves will find new composure when tobogganing.
Sled rental Sölle Sport until 16:30 - Tel. +43 (0) 4285/824711

Toboggan rental Alpenhotel Marcius 16:30 - 22:00 - Tel. +43 (0)676/898277100


The toboggan run has a length of 2 km and is illuminated.

Illuminated: daily

No lift available. The sled must be pulled to the starting point!

Punto di arrivo

La destinazione turistica di Nassfeld
Pressegger See si trova in Carinzia/Austria,
direttamente sul confine con l’Italia.

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NLW Badespass Tag65