Sicurezza in montagna

Sia da soli che in gruppo, con la famiglia o con gli amici: fare escursioni, alpinismo, arrampicate, scalate e andare in mountainbike sono tra le attività per il tempo libero più amate nelle Alpi. Ma comportano anche alcuni rischi - soprattutto se organizzate male o per nulla.

Quindi: safety first! In modo che possiate andare in montagna sempre con la massima sicurezza, abbiamo riassunto le regole di comportamento più importanti.


In der Summer & Winter World sicher unterwegs

Sicherheit am Berg

Ob allein oder in der Gruppe, mit der Familie oder mit Freunden: Wandern, Bergsteigen, Klettern, Klettersteig und Mountainbiken gehören zu den beliebtesten Freizeitbeschäftigungen in den Alpen. Allerdings birgt jede Tour auch Gefahren – vor allem, wenn diese schlecht oder gar nicht geplant wurde. 

Daher gilt: Safety first! Damit ihr am Berg allzeit sicher unterwegs seid, haben wir die wichtigsten Verhaltensregeln für euch zusammengefasst.


Respectful behaviour and mutual consideration form the basis for good interaction and the protection of the diverse interests of nature.

  • Regional restrictions, such as trail closures, restricted forest areas, protected and conservation areas, wildlife rest areas, etc. must be complied with without exception.
  • Warning signs in the terrain must be taken seriously; "No trespassing!" applies to restricted areas.
  • Only use open and marked trails / routes (follow the signs!). Do not take shortcuts!
  • Good tour planning in advance (itinerary, weather forecast, essential information such as restrictions) ensures safety and an all-round positive experience in nature.
  • Using forest areas away from approved routes is prohibited. Special caution applies to forest plantations below 3 metres in tree height (no trespassing!).
  • Camping, setting up camp after dark and making fires in the forest/on mountain pastures is prohibited by law. Please use designated places!
  • Fences must be respected - pasture fencing and gates must always be closed after passing through.
  • A general obligation to keep dogs on a leash applies, as dogs are always perceived as a threat by other animals (grazing cattle).
  • Do not leave anything behind! Waste cannot always be avoided - but it should not be left behind in nature and must be disposed of properly. This also applies to dog poop.
  • Please be considerate! Wildlife is particularly active at dusk and dawn and must not be disturbed. To protect the animals, you should therefore refrain from tours at dusk or dawn and/or in the dark.
  • Only pick valuable (forest) ingredients such as wild mushrooms and berries with moderation and

    purpose! Comply with Carinthian regulations on picking wild mushrooms!

  • The specified opening and operating hours must be observed and adhered to.
  • Designated car parks must be used and any parking fees must be paid.
  • The level of difficulty and speed (walking and cycling) must be adapted to your own ability and the weather conditions. Please do not overestimate your skills!
  • Ability to self-assess: If you go into the mountains, you should know what you are doing and what you

    are capable of!

  • Equipment must be checked for functionality and completeness before each tour.
  • The consumption of alcohol, medication and addictive substances impairs your ability to react, and reduces your ability to correctly assess risks.
  • If necessary, first aid must be provided.

Regole per un corretto comportamento in montagna

  • Verificare il proprio stato di forma e iniziare con un tour leggero.

  • Farsi sempre la domanda: Il tour/percorso che ho scelto è adatto a me?

  • Pianificare dettagliatamente ogni tour in montagna (mappe, informazioni sulla zona) e non lasciare i sentieri marcati in modo da sapere sempre dove ci si trova.

  • Condizioni atmosferiche permettendo, indossare abbigliamento traspirante.

  • Procurarsi l’attrezzatura adeguata alla montagna e allo specifico tour.

  • Avere sempre con sé un kit di primo-soccorso.

  • Prima di partire informare qualcuno del percorso e della meta che avete scelto.

  •  Adattare il ritmo alla propria condizione fisica.

  • Evitare di camminare su pietre e superare rapidamente punti con pericolo di caduta massi.

I consigli delle nostre guide alpine

Nelle escursioni, scalate, arrampicate e su vie ferrate, attenersi alle regole seguenti:

  • Su vie ferrate assicurate usare assolutamente come previsto dalle norme: imbragatura, set da via ferrata e caschetto protettivo.
  • Non iniziare i tour troppo tardi durante la giornata e prepararsi bene.
  • Acquisire tutte le informazioni necessarie sulle previsioni del tempo – in particolare sui temporali estivi.
  • Se possibile, non andare in tour da soli.


  • Non deviare dal percorso stabilito.
  • Prima di lunghe scalate, utilizzare nuovi scarponi da montagna su percorsi più brevi.
  • Applicare cerotti sulle vesciche prima possibile.
  • Bere in abbondanza per compensare il dispendio di liquidi.


A cosa fare attenzione oltre che agli incontri con le mucche? Con questi consigli sul comportamento corretto sarete pronti a rilassanti escursioni di piacere. 

Sul comportamento nella natura

In Carinzia molte piante sono protette e quindi non è consentito prenderne parti, sia esterne che sotterrate. Questo vale naturalmente anche per la straordinaria Wulfenia Carinthisch che cresce endemicamente solo a Nassfeld sul Gartnerkofel.

Tra i comportamenti rispettosi della natura ci sono non gettare rifiuti, compresi resti di sigarette, e portare via con se i rifiuti riciclabili. È anche importante rimanere sui sentieri marcati e non prendere scorciatoie. Gli animali non devono essere infastiditi o disturbati, i rumori molesti non sono ben visti. I cani devono rimanere al guinzaglio e i loro escrementi devono essere rimossi secondo le regole.

Il principio di base è che non dovrebbe rimanere traccia del nostro passaggio nella natura; questo è il segno che si è tenuto il comportamento corretto!

Flora e fauna delle Alpi Carniche Orientali

Rules for correct behaviour in winter


  • Do not enter restricted areas - barriers must be observed.
  • Observe directional arrows - always keep to the right.
  • Natural ice may have jumps, bumps, and cracks, so there is an increased risk of falling.
  • Be ready to brake and skate according to your own ability.
  • Observe the rules on the ice rinks, always skate in the direction of travel and do not endanger other skaters.
  • Ice hockey and curling are possible within the designated areas / rinks.
  • Walkers - please use the trails next to the ice rink.
  • Dogs must be kept on a leash, and must not get on the ice rink.
  • Do not form groups of people in single spots, the ice can break.
  • Keep your distance from snow clearing and operational vehicles.



  • On cross-country ski tracks, ski in the direction and with the technique indicated.
  • On double and multi-tracks, you must use the right-hand track.
  • Cross-country skiers in groups must use the right-hand track and ski one behind the other.
  • Overtaking is permitted on the right or left. The skier in front is not obliged to give way, but should allow the overtaking skier to pass if possible.
  • In the event of encounters, swerve to the right.
  • Downhill skiers have priority.
  • In the vicinity of other skiers, poles must be held as close to the body as possible.
  • Anyone who stops or falls must leave the track / piste as quickly as possible.
  • Always maintain a sufficient safety distance to the skier in front. In an emergency, you should drop down in a controlled manner to avoid a collision.
  • Keep a distance to service vehicles.
  • All cross-country skiers must behave in such a way that they do not endanger or harm others.
  • Without exception, walkers - with or without dogs - are not permitted on cross-country ski tracks.



  • Warning signs (closure of a piste or part of a piste) and local regulations must be observed.
  • Only ascend along the edge of the piste and one after the other.
  • Ski pistes are primarily available to cable car users.
  • Only cross pistes at clear points and with sufficient distance between ski tourers.
  • Only ski along the edges of freshly groomed pistes (frozen tracks can severely impair the quality of the piste).
  • Do not take dogs onto the piste.
  • Stick to designated (dedicated) ascent routes/pistes and only use those.
  • Alpine dangers - especially avalanche dangers - must be assessed by yourself.
  • Personal emergency equipment must be carried along.
  • The general FIS rules of conduct also apply.



  • Only toboggan on designated toboggan runs. Never on the piste.
  • Ascend along the edge, on the right and one after the other. Ascend on the right, descend on the right.
  • Crossing the toboggan run is only permitted in clear places.
  • Keep the toboggan run clear.
  • If you are out and about together with other tobogganers, wait at clearly laid out and safe waiting areas/assembly points without exception.
  • The speed of the ride must be adapted to visibility and distances.



  • Follow existing regulations. Take information about game reserves, restricted areas and reforestation areas into account when planning your tour.
  • Observe and follow information boards during the tour.
  • Stay on the established routes (ski routes, hiking and forest trails)!
  • Only undertake ski tours when there is sufficient snow - damage to the vegetation and soil cover must be avoided.
  • Fast downhill skiers in particular scare wildlife, causing it to flee in panic. Respect the habitat of wildlife - keep your distance in case of encounters.
  • Keep dogs on a leash, even when skiing downhill.
  • Do not downhill ski through forests. No skiing through sapling and reforestation areas!
  • Plan your ski tour carefully, taking weather conditions and the avalanche situation into account.
  • Personal emergency equipment must be carried along.
  • Ability to self-assess: If you go into the mountains, you should know what you are doing and what you

    are capable of!

Consigli per i tour con tutta la famiglia

  • Scegliere percorsi indicati ai passeggini e non troppo lunghi.

  • Per i più piccoli i sentieri per escursioni (a tema) sono spesso più interessanti delle strade nei boschi.

  • Investire nell’attrezzatura dedicata ai bambini.

  • Non dimenticare vestiti di ricambio.

  • Partire ad un orario che permetta di evitare il calore di mezzogiorno.

  • Portare da bere in quantità e quello che serve per una merenda o della frutta.

  • Inserire un numero sufficiente di pause.

  • Ammirare la natura circostante, cantare delle canzoncine, premiare i bambini con una bibita durante le pause - insomma farli divertire.

  • Collezionare badge e distintivi lungo le escursioni.

Numeri di emergenza

  • Soccorso alpino 140

  • Polizia 133

  • Euro-soccorso: 112

  • Pronto soccorso: 144

  • Vigili del fuoco: 122


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Punto di arrivo

La destinazione turistica di Nassfeld
Pressegger See si trova in Carinzia/Austria,
direttamente sul confine con l’Italia.

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