Salita dalla Straniger Alm al rifugio Zollnersee

Livello di difficoltà: medio
  • 6.5 km
  • 2.8 h
  • 1490 hm
    Punto più basso
  • 2016 hm
    Punto più alto
  • 532 hm
  • 295 hm

Salita dalla Straniger Alm al rifugio Zollnersee

The metres of ascent are already covered on the first half of the hike. The highest point of the hike is reached at Findenigkofel and the route tends to be all downhill. You hike along the ridge, which is never exposed but still requires surefootedness, and have a great view of the valleys and mountains towering behind. The trail pretty much follows the border between Italy and Austria and you will also come across relics of the mountain war along the way.
Normal hiking equipment including sturdy hiking boots, first aid kit and weatherproof clothing.

Punto di arrivo

La destinazione turistica di Nassfeld
Pressegger See si trova in Carinzia/Austria,
direttamente sul confine con l’Italia.

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NLW Badespass Tag65