Website information

Information obligation pursuant to Section 5 Austrian E-Commerce Act, Section 14 Austrian Commercial Code, Section 63 Austrian Trade Regulation Act and disclosure obligation pursuant to Section 25 Austrian Media Act.

Content managed by:

NLW Tourismus Marketing GmbH
Wulfeniaplatz 1, A-9620 Hermagor
Telephone: +43 (0) 4282 / 3131

Site owner

Address KIG Karnische Incoming GmbH
Sonnenalpe Nassfeld 8
A - 9620 Hermagor, Österreich
Telephone +43 4285 8241
Fax +43 4285 8242
VAT number ATU46252308
Company registration number 175363m
Place of jurisdiction Landesgericht Klagenfurt
Authority according to E-Commerce Act Bezirkshauptmannschaft Klagenfurt

Design, concept, realisation

Webdesign © by valantic CX Austria GmbH
Content-Strategy & Redaktion © by punkt & komma

valantic CX Austria GmbH
Gusswerk Halle 6
Söllheimerstraße 16
A-5020 Salzburg, Austria

Punkt & Komma GmbH
Gusswerk Halle 6
Söllheimerstraße 16
A-5020 Salzburg, Austria


NLW Tourismus Marketing GmbH
Wulfeniaplatz 1
9620 Hermagor, Kärnten

  • Line of business: Travel agency, advertisement & market communication
  • VAT ID no.: ATU 450 44 009
  • Registration number: FN 171891 g
  • Commercial register: Klagenfurt Regional Court
  • Registered office: 9620 Hermagor
  • Tel.: +43 (0) 4282 / 3131
  • Fax: +43 (0) 4282 / 3131-331
  • E-Mail:
  • Member of: Carinthian Chamber of Commerce
  • Law governing the profession: Austrian Trade Regulation Act:
  • Awarding State: Austria

Mag. Roland Sint, Markus Brandstätter

Legal information

The content of this website is protected by copyright. Reproducing parts of or the entirety of the text or images contained on this website, regardless of which medium they are published in, is not permitted without the express prior permission of Karnische Incoming GmbH. All information is subject to change. Copyright 2014 NLW Tourismus Marketing GmbH. All rights reserved.

NLW Tourismus Marketing GmbH assumes no liability for the content of other websites which are linked to from this website using hyperlinks.

Liability for the content of this website

We constantly improve the contents of this website and endeavour to provide correct and up-to-date information. Unfortunately, we are unable to assume liability for the correctness of all contents on this website. This applies especially to contents provided by third parties. Should you notice any problematic or illegal contents, please contact us immediately by using the contact details in the legal notice.

Liability for links on this website

Our website contains links to other websites with contents for which we are not responsible. Should you notice illegal links on our website, please contact us by using the contact details in the legal notice.

Copyright notice

All contents of this website (images, photos, texts, videos) are subject to copyright. If necessary, we will legally pursue the unauthorised use of content parts on our website.

Privacy policy

Here you find our privacy policy.

Photo credits

The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright.

Photo material: Rossignol/Prokop, ©PAN-Bild(er):, Grötschnig,
Rauchenberger, Fischer Ski, Avila, Fischer Ski, Anton Brey |, Daniel Zupanc, Kärnten Werbung, NLW Tourismus Marketing GmbH u. Betriebe

Fix & Foxi characters: Copyright Rolf Kauka, Kauka Promedia Inc 2000-2018


Source: Created with Impressum Generator von

Location and how to find us

The Nassfeld-Pressegger See holiday region lies in the Austrian province of Carinthia, directly next to the Italian border.

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NLW Badespass Tag65