On two wheels through early summer

Leisure biking in the mountains and on lakes

In early summer, the mountains and lakes of the Nassfeld-Pressegger See, Lesachtal and Weissensee region radiate a tranquillity and energy that easily captures their visitors. Moreover, boundless biking freedom close to nature can nowhere else be taken as literal as on the sunny side of the Alps. The region is a real playground for leisure cyclists, families, and sporty bikers. 

Enjoying nature to the full
Whether gliding across the glistening turquoise water on a Lake Weissensee boat trip, at meditative relaxation spots along the Gailtal Cycle Route R3 or towards Lake Volaya in the Lesachtal Valley: you can look forward to romantic time for two, a relaxed family day or an eventful excursion with your friends.

 From relaxed bike picnics at idyllic (water) spots to cycling to Slow Food Travel producers and a cross-border bike tour to Italy or Slovenia: The purest mountain air and amazing panoramic views are your constant companions whichever theme you choose!

Musik, Genuss & Natur – Unter freiem Himmel

Akustik Picknick - 22.09.2024

Nimm Platz mitten im Grünen, zwischen den Kraftplätzen des Schloss Lerchenhof, lausche den entspannten Klängen der Live-Musik der "Talltones" und verwöhne deinen Gaumen mit dem "Best-of" der heimischen Kulinarik. Die regionalen Schmankerl werden sorgfältig ausgewählt und liebevoll in einem urigen Picknick-Korb verpackt. Das Akustik Picknick ermöglicht dir einen Tag voller Genuss und Entspannung!

Die Picknickkörbe sind gefüllt mit heimischen Spezialitäten und typischen Schmankerln aus der Region. Enthalten ist unter anderem Speck und Käse von regionalen Produzenten, Natursauerteigbrot, Eingelegtes, Aufstriche, regionale Getränke, Gemüse und Obst.

Gut zu wissen: Auf Wunsch wird der Korb mit rein vegetarischen Schmankerln gefüllt.


Wie man seinen persönlichen Picknickkorb erhält?

Ganz einfach frühzeitig über die Hotline buchen und am 22. September ab 12:00 Uhr, im Schlossgarten bei musikalischer Untermalung genießen!


Mehr Infos zum Akustik Picknick findest du hier!

Bike picnic at special (water) spots

Doppelt genießt, wer im Rahmen einer gemütlichen Biketour die landschaftlichen und kulinarischen Vorzüge der Region auskostet. Spezielle Natur-Kulissen & Aussichtsplätze laden naturverbundene Genießer dazu ein, während einem Radausflug die Picknick-Decke auszubreiten und Vorzeigeprodukte regionalen Ursprungs auszukosten.

Alles fürs Picknick
Die Picknickrucksäcke sind prall gefüllt mit heimischen Spezialitäten und typischen Schmankerln aus der Region. Auf Wunsch wird der Rucksack entweder als Original Kärntner Jause oder mit rein vegetarischen Köstlichkeiten gefüllt.

Double the enjoyment provide the region’s scenic and culinary delights as part of a leisurely bike tour. Special natural backdrops and vantage points invite nature-loving connoisseurs to spread out their picnic blanket and savour regional flagship products during a bike tour.

Everything for a picnic
The picnic rucksacks are filled to the brim with local specialities and typical delicacies from the region. On request, the rucksack can be filled either as an original Carinthian Jause with cold snacks or with vegetarian delicacies.

Booking info:
Pick up your picnic at a partner business or at the tourist office.


Info- & Servicecenter Nassfeld-Pressegger See
Wulfeniaplatz 1
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Tourismusverband Lesachtal Info- und Servicedienstleistungen

Liesing 29
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Die Biketouren

A "best of" local products

The home of good taste. As varied and diverse as the moments of enjoyment at the world's first Slow Food Travel destination are, they always also reflect the region's landscape and way of life. Fragrant Lesachtal Valley bread, Gailtal Valley bacon and "Slow Fish" on Lake Weissensee - they all provide more than just enjoyment. They also make you realise that the best is often right on your doorstep. Qualified guides as nature ambassadors or rural food artisans invite you to join in and try out as part of Slow Food experiences or certified "GREEN Experiences". All dates available at: www.slowfood.travel/erlebnisse

Cross-border leisure cycling

to Venzone (ITA) or Bled (SLO)

Take the bike bus for a cross-border bike tour with your own bike guide. The destination is either the Slovenian climatic health resort of Bled (bike route approx. 65 km) or the medieval lavender town of Venzone in Italy (bike route approx. 65 km). This very section of the Alpe Adria Cycle Route is considered one of the most attractive. A large part of it runs along the disused railway line "Pontebbana", through historic tunnels, over viaducts and bridges, and offers spectacular views of the surrounding landscape. 

As both tours are mostly slightly downhill, anyone can manage the distances. Once arrived at your destination, there is still enough time to enjoy Italian or Slovenian specialities before returning home in comfort by shuttle bus.

Booking info (May to October):

  • Wednesday: guided cycle tour via Kranjska Gora to Bled/SLO (along the route of the former "Crown Prince Rudolf Railway"; 65 km)
  • Friday: guided cycle tour to Venzone/ITA (along the Alpe Adria Cycle Route, 65 km)


Location and how to find us

The Nassfeld-Pressegger See holiday region lies in the Austrian province of Carinthia, directly next to the Italian border.

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NLW Badespass Tag65